A yummy breakfast dish with 5 ingredients! It’s a fast and easy dish everyone will love!
1 Cup All Purpose Flour
3 Tbsp Sugar
2 Eggs
2 Tbsp Oil
1 1/3 Cup Milk
Mix all the ingredients above.
Dip the hot crepe maker into the batter and wait a couple seconds.
Quickly flip the crepe maker over and let it sit for another couple of seconds until the batter is opaque and visibly separable from the machine.
Using a metal utensil, pull the crepe away from the crepe maker and set aside.
Serve with nutella, fruit of your choice and cocoa powder.
Link for the crepe maker: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07L79MNDC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_J8GC4GEAX5P1V71KJ8DD